Springhill Treatment Centre

Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides twelve beds for the rehabilitation of New Zealanders who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders. The centre is part of the continuum of care provided by Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora, Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay.

Springhill offers an eight-week treatment programme with a multi-disciplinary team providing intensive group work, family/whānau meetings and individual support to assist people’s journey through recovery.

As a resident you will be actively encouraged to participate in group therapy which will guide you towards new insights, social connections and recovery.

You will be in a safe and structured environment living with others, accepting responsibilities and practising a healthy lifestyle. You will also attend local Alcoholic or Narcotic Anonymous groups off-site to enhance your recovery experience.

Referrals to the centre must be made by your local addiction service.