Learning from Adverse Events report
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
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Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s anaesthetic technicians, who are members of the Association of Professionals and Executive Employee Inc (APEX), have voted to strike for 48 hours from 7am Monday 17 December until 7am Wednesday 19 December 2018.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is pleased to announce the promotion of Wairoa Health’s Clinical Nurse Manager, Sonya Smith, into the role of Wairoa Health Manager - a one year secondment placement to 23 July 2019.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July. What you need to know:Hawke’s Bay Hospital remains very busy, and this is expected to continue through into tomorrow.
Four retailers have been caught selling cigarettes to children under 18 years of age following a controlled purchase operation carried out recently in Hastings and Napier.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status following three cases of mumps being confirmed in Hastings. One child was a student from Hastings Boys High School and the other two cases are adults.
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Yesterday, (19 December) Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Chair Kevin Atkinson and Chair of Health Hawke’s Bay (PHO) Bayden Barber signed a new agreement Te Pītau Health Alliance which signals a more holistic and integrated approach to health care in Hawke’s Bay.
People booked for planned surgery at Hawke’s Bay Hospital will attend their pre-admission appointments at a new location, in revamped and extended clinic rooms, on the Hawke’s Bay Hospital campus from Monday 12 November.