Routine care
Your family doctor, or General Practice, provide a range of services including medical advice, examinations, prescriptions and ongoing care for more longstanding or chronic conditions.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Your family doctor, or General Practice, provide a range of services including medical advice, examinations, prescriptions and ongoing care for more longstanding or chronic conditions.
Visiting informationClick here to view visiting hours and information for all Hawke's Bay sites including Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital. Getting hereThere are lots of ways to get to Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
Hawke’s Bay people are being encouraged to visit their doctor or health professional prior to the public holiday period to update medical prescriptions or get a check-up if they’re experiencing the onset of illness.
If you're feeling unwell or need health advice, your local pharmacist might be able to help faster and more affordably than waiting for an appointment with your GP. See the quick links to the right for more information on how your pharmacist can help ⇒
Minister of Health, Hon Dr David Clark officially opened Hawke’s Bay’s new gastroenterology and endoscopy services building at Hawke’s Bay Hospital today (Tuesday 2 October 2018). The $13 million dollar facility will boost the hospital’s ability to prevent and treat gastro and bowel conditions, including bowel cancer.
Upskill and increase your knowledge when you are looking to rent a house. Learn more about the following areas:
Tenant’s rights and responsibilities
Managing money and debts
Maintaining a warm, dry and healthy home
Housing products through WINZ
Landlord and tenant interviews and presentation.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board’s (HBDHB) Public Health Team can confirm that the patient in Wellington Hospital diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is linked to the Havelock North Campylobacter outbreak.
Director of Population Health, Dr Caroline McElnay, said staff had positively identified the link (i. e.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status following three cases of mumps being confirmed in Hastings. One child was a student from Hastings Boys High School and the other two cases are adults.
It’s hard to ask … kidney donation is one of the most generous gifts that can be given. When you donate a kidney, you are giving the recipient back their vitality, as well as freeing them up from dialysis treatment.
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an international programme launched in 1991 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure all maternity services become centres of breastfeeding support worldwide.