Stomach bug widespread in community
More people presenting to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the past 24 hours with a stomach bug has seen the hospital close its Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) to act as an isolation unit for people with the bug.
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More people presenting to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the past 24 hours with a stomach bug has seen the hospital close its Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) to act as an isolation unit for people with the bug.
The Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit (AT&R) is a 36-38 bed ward at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) has received recognition for its innovative health and safety leadership in the Safe365 Safest Places to Work national awards held recently.
Gastro costs to Hawke’s Bay District Health Board were approaching $766,000 as at December 2016.
10 October 2017
More than $400,000 will be invested into Central Hawke’s Bay Health Services before Christmas with the addition of new state-of-the-art digital radiology equipment at Central Hawke’s Bay Health Centre.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is at capacity, and unless it’s an emergency, people are asked to seek medical care from their family doctor, medical centre, pharmacy or to call Healthline.
Immunisation is one of the most effective ways of helping people stay well and free from many diseases. It is recommended by the World Health Organization, the New Zealand Ministry of Health and medical authorities. There is information here about the National Immunisation Programme.
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
If you start to feel unwell this winter, seek medical help early before your symptoms get worse – that’s the advice from Hawke’ Bay District Health Board.
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an international programme launched in 1991 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure all maternity services become centres of breastfeeding support worldwide.