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Hawke’s Bay District Health Board takes great care to ensure the privacy of your health information is respected.
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Hawke’s Bay District Health Board takes great care to ensure the privacy of your health information is respected.
Napier City Council Media Release Tuesday 23 May 2017
Chlorination of Napier City’s water supply will commence today (Wednesday 24 May) at 8am after a positive e. coli reading was returned late today.
Hawke’s Bay people are being encouraged to visit their doctor or health professional prior to the public holiday period to update medical prescriptions or get a check-up if they’re experiencing the onset of illness.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is at capacity, and unless it’s an emergency, people are asked to seek medical care from their family doctor, medical centre, pharmacy or to call Healthline.
If you start to feel unwell this winter, seek medical help early before your symptoms get worse – that’s the advice from Hawke’ Bay District Health Board.
Health officials are encouraging people to Choose Well when needing health care this long weekend and ensure medications are up-to-date in advance of the holiday period.
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
A second planned 48 hour junior doctors’ strike from 8am Tuesday 29 January until 8am Thursday 31 January will affect some surgery and outpatient clinics planned for next week at Hawke’s Bay Hospital.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) staff are widely promoting White Ribbon Day messaging this week in lead-up to tomorrow’s nationally recognised White Ribbon Day (25 November) which is aimed to end men’s violence towards women.
26 July 2017
Hawke’s Bay Hospital continues to remain extremely busy with an increase in admissions of people experiencing respiratory illnesses like asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.