Alcohol is a significant cause of disease, disability and social harm in the Hawke’s Bay community. View the video above to hear from some of our people on what they see and experience, and the impact it has on our communities.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Alcohol is a significant cause of disease, disability and social harm in the Hawke’s Bay community. View the video above to hear from some of our people on what they see and experience, and the impact it has on our communities.
Welcome | Haere mai
If you’re looking for health information and advice in Hawke’s Bay, you’ve come to the right place. Hawke’s Bay DHB and primary health organisation, Health Hawke’s Bay, serve a population of over 165,000 people.
Welcome to our centre of excellence for supporting your journey to parenthood:
safe ~ welcoming ~ woman centred ~ empowering ~ family friendly ~ appropriate ~ expert care
He āhuru mōwai.
If your family doctor thinks you are suffering from a complaint to do with the nervous system they may ask advice from a neurologist, who is a specialist in diagnosing such complaints. Your doctor may also decide to refer you to a neurologist for an opinion.
Yesterday, (19 December) Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Chair Kevin Atkinson and Chair of Health Hawke’s Bay (PHO) Bayden Barber signed a new agreement Te Pītau Health Alliance which signals a more holistic and integrated approach to health care in Hawke’s Bay.
People booked for planned surgery at Hawke’s Bay Hospital will attend their pre-admission appointments at a new location, in revamped and extended clinic rooms, on the Hawke’s Bay Hospital campus from Monday 12 November.
With over 200km of safe and accessible pathways available across Hawke’s Bay, you can cycle or walk to your heart’s content, whether you are heading to work or an appointment. There are a number of bike parking facilities at various entrances around the hospital for staff and public use.
Paid parkingVehicles parked on the Hastings Hospital site anytime between 8am and 4pm weekdays are required to pay for parking. Parking is free before 8am, after 4pm, and on weekends and public holidays.
Here are some things to know if you plan to visit Hawke’s Bay Hospital by car. Learn more about mobility parking and drop-off areas here. Paid Parking
There is a small fee for parking at the hospital between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Welcome to Friday’s District Health Board updateThere was encouraging news from Hawke’s Bay District Health Board’s CEO Dr Kevin Snee at Friday’s media conference that the number of people needing medical care was continuing to decline.