Occupational Therapy
What is occupational therapy/whakaora ngangahau?Occupational therapy’s goal is to enable you to continue to participate in everyday activities even when circumstances have made it difficult for you.
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What is occupational therapy/whakaora ngangahau?Occupational therapy’s goal is to enable you to continue to participate in everyday activities even when circumstances have made it difficult for you.
Hawke’s Bay women who have suffered from breast cancer and undergone breast reconstruction will no longer need to travel outside of the region to have cosmetic Aerola tattooing.
Over $1million will be invested to create nearly 17 new full-time equivalent nursing roles at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, the district health board announced today.
People are being warned not to swim in Pandora Pond, Napier, until further notice due to contamination. Hawke’s Bay’s District Health Board Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nicholas Jones, said monitoring by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council had identified high levels of bacteria in water from samples taken this week.