Interpreting services
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hawke's Bay health services include services provided:
in your home
by your family doctor
in schools, kohanga and workplaces
by a pharmacist, dentist or physiotherapist
in an aged residential care facility
in hospitals and health centres
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If you're feeling unwell or need health advice, your local pharmacist might be able to help faster and more affordably than waiting for an appointment with your GP. See the quick links to the right for more information on how your pharmacist can help ⇒
New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) members have rejected the revised pay offer from DHBs and given notice of industrial action. Nursing, midwifery and healthcare assistants covered by the NZNO Multi Employment Collective Agreement (MECA) have issued notice, to all district health boards, of a full withdrawal of labour.
Find other health and social services
Find a physiotherapist
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Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Coronary Care Unit (CCU) is the first in the country to install new state-of-the-art technology this month, allowing patients to be hooked up to mobile software that feeds real-time information via wifi onto multiple screens, including hand-held devices.
When you are discharged from hospital
Please note that you are responsible for your own transport home, regardless of how you arrived at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital. If you have had an anaesthetic you must not drive for 24 hours.
Self-care is the best choice to treat minor illnesses, ailments and injuries. A range of common illnesses and complaints such as aches and pains, cough, colds, upset stomachs and sore throats can be treated with over the counter medicines and plenty of rest.
After-hours services offered by general practices are the best place for urgent care for conditions that are not critical or life threatening such as:
minor injuries (breaks and sprains)
rashes and skin conditions
sore throats
sore ears, eyes and mouth
medication issues
urinary tract infections
respiratory infections
vomiting and diarrhoea, tummy bugs
sinus conditions
back pain.…
Minister of Health, Hon Dr David Clark officially opened Hawke’s Bay’s new gastroenterology and endoscopy services building at Hawke’s Bay Hospital today (Tuesday 2 October 2018). The $13 million dollar facility will boost the hospital’s ability to prevent and treat gastro and bowel conditions, including bowel cancer.