Children services
Paediatric and child servicesIf your child is unwell, injured or in need of surgery, and 15 years old or younger, they will be cared for in Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Children's Ward.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Paediatric and child servicesIf your child is unwell, injured or in need of surgery, and 15 years old or younger, they will be cared for in Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Children's Ward.
The district health board is pleased to advise it has made contact with all, but one, of the people at risk from equipment that had not been completely sterilised and was used in Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s operating theatres and sent to outpatient clinics.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is very sad to report that a woman in her 90s, who had campylobacter infection, died yesterday evening from an unrelated medical condition. The woman who was from Havelock North was admitted to Hawke’s Bay Hospital during the campylobacter outbreak.
What is it?Hoki ki te Kāinga is a service for people who will benefit from a short period of intensive rehabilitation in their own home after a stay in hospital.
What do we do?NASC (Need Assessment Service Coordination) Hawke's Bay is an assessment and service coordination agency that assists people with a disability, and their family/whānau, to maintain independence in their home and community, or a residential setting.
Welcome to Monday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board update August 22Presentations to Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Emergency Department and to General Practice with people who have a gastro illnesses continues to tail off.
25 September, 2017
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is investigating four confirmed cases of Paratyphoid Fever and is following up three suspect cases. All four confirmed cases have required hospital care at Hawke’s Bay Hospital. At least two of the cases ate mussels gathered from Napier’s Ahuriri area.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is at capacity, and unless it’s an emergency, people are asked to seek medical care from their family doctor, medical centre, pharmacy or to call Healthline.
22 September, 2017
Three cases of Paratyphoid confirmed
Hawke's Bay District Health Board is investigating three Paratyphoid cases reported over the last week. Paratyphoid is a similar illness to typhoid fever and can cause serious illness. All three people have needed hospital care.
Oral Health Services (OHS) includes:
The Community Oral Health Service (COHS) provides free school based clinics for 0-13 year olds, including all the adolescents that attend Wairoa College up to the age of 18; and
The Hospital Dental Service where access is based around the low income, medically compromised and special need client…