Parking at Hawke's Bay Hospital
Paid parkingVehicles parked on the Hastings Hospital site anytime between 8am and 4pm weekdays are required to pay for parking. Parking is free before 8am, after 4pm, and on weekends and public holidays.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Paid parkingVehicles parked on the Hastings Hospital site anytime between 8am and 4pm weekdays are required to pay for parking. Parking is free before 8am, after 4pm, and on weekends and public holidays.
What is occupational therapy/whakaora ngangahau?Occupational therapy’s goal is to enable you to continue to participate in everyday activities even when circumstances have made it difficult for you.
You can have your say on the number of alcohol outlets in your community. What is an alcohol licence?To sell alcohol, a premise must have a license.
7 November 2017
Hospital’s youngest patients ready to enjoy new playground
Exciting news for Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s youngest patients – the hospital’s paediatric playground, which is part of the Piki Te Ora Early Childhood Centre, has received a radical transformation!
With the help of local landscape designers, Espaso Verde, and Leanne Sanderson from…
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s Coronary Care Unit (CCU) is the first in the country to install new state-of-the-art technology this month, allowing patients to be hooked up to mobile software that feeds real-time information via wifi onto multiple screens, including hand-held devices.
23 April 2018
This Anzac Day, 25 April 2018, marks the 90th anniversary of the opening of Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital – New Zealand’s only soldiers’ memorial hospital.
Hawke’s Bay women who have suffered from breast cancer and undergone breast reconstruction will no longer need to travel outside of the region to have cosmetic Aerola tattooing.
People booked for planned surgery at Hawke’s Bay Hospital will attend their pre-admission appointments at a new location, in revamped and extended clinic rooms, on the Hawke’s Bay Hospital campus from Monday 12 November.
If you're feeling unwell or need health advice, your local pharmacist might be able to help faster and more affordably than waiting for an appointment with your GP. See the quick links to the right for more information on how your pharmacist can help ⇒