Springhill Treatment Centre
Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides twelve beds for the rehabilitation of New Zealanders who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides twelve beds for the rehabilitation of New Zealanders who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders.
The Chapel is situated to the left of the main entrance of Hawke's Bay Hospital. The Chapel is open every day from 8am until 5pm. The Chaplains’ offices can be accessed through the Chapel, or from the courtyard outside Zacs Café.
Havelock North Health Centre
26 Middle Road
Havelock North
Hours Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm
Fees FREE health services for 20 years and under; fees for sexual health services will apply to 21 years and over. Phone 06 877 8011 Fax 06 877 5942
60 Charlotte Street
Health services provided by a nurse practitioner and registered nurse
Hours Monday to Friday 9am - 12 noon
Fees FREE sexual health services for 20 years and under; fees for sexual health services will apply for 21 years and over
Phone 06 855 8376
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Hawke’s Bay health officials are seeing an increase in Whooping Cough (Pertussis) which poses serious risks for babies and children – especially those aged under 1 years.
Welcome to Thursday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update, 25 August 2016
A total of five people are in Hawke’s Bay Hospital with campylobacter, two fewer than yesterday.
Over $1million will be invested to create nearly 17 new full-time equivalent nursing roles at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, the district health board announced today.
EIT Health Centre
Gloucester Street
Hours Monday to Friday 8am - 4:30pm
Fees FREE health services for 20 years and under; fees for sexual health services will apply to 21 years and over
Phone 06 974 8919
26 Middle Road
Havelock North 4130
Phone 06 877 8011
Fax 06 877 5942 HoursMonday to Friday 8am to 5pm
For medical assistance outside these hours please contact The Hastings Health Centre