Wairoa midwives say early engagement is key
Expectant mothers in Wairoa are being encouraged to engage with a midwife in the early stages of pregnancy to ensure they and their baby receive the best possible start.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Expectant mothers in Wairoa are being encouraged to engage with a midwife in the early stages of pregnancy to ensure they and their baby receive the best possible start.
26 July 2017
Hawke’s Bay Hospital continues to remain extremely busy with an increase in admissions of people experiencing respiratory illnesses like asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis.
In this section you will find information about eligibility for publicly-funded health services, accommodation options for out of town visitors and patients, interpreting services and important information on travel and transport services.
Meals on Wheels are prepared in the Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital kitchen for delivery - fresh or frozen - to people living in Napier, Hastings or Havelock North. Hot or frozen meals and dessert are $7. 80.
A swimming warning on Pandora Pond in Napier has been lifted this tonight following two water sample tests coming back clear.
Print version of media release
Information on the DHBs’ offer is available on the NZNO website . Media contacts:
Hawke's Bay DHB is not bargaining directly with New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO). Please direct any questions to Harriet Palmer
M: 027 4277 437 comms@senateshj. co. nz
Community Mental Health South consists of two teams, one based at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital and another at Central Hawke's Bay Health Centre.
We spend 70% of our time in our homes. It is important to our health that homes are warm, dry and free of mould.
What we doWhānga Whakapakari Tamaiti provides child development services that benefit Hawke's Bay tamariki, whānau and the wider Hawke's Bay community. The 30 strong team deliver a wide range of services including:
Child disability services
Developmental Assessment Programme
Gateway Programme
Autism spectrum care coordination.
Welcome to our centre of excellence for supporting your journey to parenthood:
safe ~ welcoming ~ woman centred ~ empowering ~ family friendly ~ appropriate ~ expert care
He āhuru mōwai.