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The Older Person's Mental Health Team is a specialist, community based, multi-disciplinary team based at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers Memorial Hospital.
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is very sad to report that a woman in her 90s, who had campylobacter infection, died yesterday evening from an unrelated medical condition. The woman who was from Havelock North was admitted to Hawke’s Bay Hospital during the campylobacter outbreak.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) chief executive Kevin Snee told board members at its meeting on Wednesday 28 September that the cost of the Havelock North Campylobacter outbreak was estimated to be around $380,000 to the organisation.
Tears of joy were shed by Hawke’s Bay Hospital’s frontline paediatric staff at the Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal announcement this morning, with the news a special isolation room and dedicated outside space for immune-compromised kids would become a reality.
Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides twelve beds for the rehabilitation of New Zealanders who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders.
Here are some things to know if you plan to visit Hawke’s Bay Hospital by car. Learn more about mobility parking and drop-off areas here. Paid Parking
There is a small fee for parking at the hospital between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is continuing to warn the public not to swim, collect shellfish for consumption, or undertake any other water based recreational activities in the area of the Ahuriri Estuary.
Hawke’s Bay people are being encouraged to visit their doctor or health professional prior to the public holiday period to update medical prescriptions or get a check-up if they’re experiencing the onset of illness.