Unprecedented demand at Hawke's Bay Hospital
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is facing unprecedented demand on hospital services, especially acute surgeries, forcing it to cancel some elective surgeries over the coming days.
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Hawke’s Bay Hospital is facing unprecedented demand on hospital services, especially acute surgeries, forcing it to cancel some elective surgeries over the coming days.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status during the school holidays following a second case of mumps confirmed in Hastings. Both cases are school-age children.
Norovirus has been confirmed as the bug that has affected a number of patients and staff at Hawke’s Bay Hospital during the week. Chief Medical and Dental Officer John Gommans said the outbreak appeared to be under control, however one ward continued to have restricted visiting in place.
Hawke's Bay DHB provides a range of maternity services for women and their families across three birth centres - Waioha, Ata Rangi and Wairoa plus from our Napier located Maternity Resource Centre working in partnership with our LMC midwifery, doctors and obstetrician colleagues to provide maternity care for you.
There is good evidence to show that exposure to adult drinking in childhood increases the risk of hazardous drinking by teenagers. Teenage drinking patterns not only mirror those of their parents and caregivers but also that of their community.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status following three cases of mumps being confirmed in Hastings. One child was a student from Hastings Boys High School and the other two cases are adults.
UPDATE Gastro illness in Havelock North Tuesday 5pm 16th AugustThe health system in Hawke’s Bay is coping well with the current outbreak of gastric illness.
Health workers gastro response praisedHealth workers who responded to the gastro outbreak in Havelock North have today been praised by Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (DHB) chief executive Kevin Snee.
People are being warned not to swim in Waipatiki Lagoon due to contamination. The levels exceed the maximum values recommended in New Zealand’s Recreational Water Guidelines and indicate that, at the time of sampling, there were excessive amounts of faecal matter, either animal or human in the water.