Learning from Adverse Events report
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is committed to patient safety and the delivery of high quality patient care.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is inviting the community to be part of two big projects that will shape the future of health care in Hawke’s Bay.
Health education resources are available from the ground floor of Napier Health, 76 Wellesley Road, Napier. We have information on a wide range of health topics. We have free pamphlets, booklets, posters, DVDs and education kits available.
After a Suicide - Practical information for people bereaved by suicideThis booklet gives practical information that can be needed after a suicide.
The orthopaedic team at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital work closely with the Emergency Department (ED), radiology and physiotherapy. Referrals from family doctors, GPs or physiotherapists are prioritised with a maximum four month wait to be seen for specialist assessment (if referral is accepted).
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board welcomed the Government Inquiry findings released today as an important step toward restoring the community’s confidence in the Havelock North drinking water supply.
Here are some things to know if you plan to visit Hawke’s Bay Hospital by car. Learn more about mobility parking and drop-off areas here. Paid Parking
There is a small fee for parking at the hospital between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.
The health of our children is a priority for parents, the community and the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board's Child Health Team.
Maternity Team Vision“Protectors of normal birth for women by women with a Whānau Ora approach that develops self-determination, empowering and supporting women and their whānau in a flexible creative women centred service.
Water test results from Lake Tūtira have confirmed a cyanobacteria bloom on the lake. Medical Officer of Health Dr Nicholas Jones said as the bloom was visible on the lake and test results had confirmed cyanobacteria, the bloom was likely to be toxic to people and animals.