Stomach bug widespread in community
More people presenting to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the past 24 hours with a stomach bug has seen the hospital close its Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) to act as an isolation unit for people with the bug.
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More people presenting to Hawke’s Bay Hospital in the past 24 hours with a stomach bug has seen the hospital close its Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) to act as an isolation unit for people with the bug.
What is occupational therapy/whakaora ngangahau?Occupational therapy’s goal is to enable you to continue to participate in everyday activities even when circumstances have made it difficult for you.
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'Acute options for mental health care insights report' August 2024 : A paper issued by Te Hiringa Mahara—the New Zealand Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (Te Hiringa Mahara).
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board’s (HBDHB) Public Health Team can confirm that the patient in Wellington Hospital diagnosed with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) is linked to the Havelock North Campylobacter outbreak.
Director of Population Health, Dr Caroline McElnay, said staff had positively identified the link (i. e.
New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants have voted to strike, significantly impacting services at Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa hospitals and Napier and Central Hawke’s Bay’s medical centres.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status following three cases of mumps being confirmed in Hastings. One child was a student from Hastings Boys High School and the other two cases are adults.
Health education resources are available from the ground floor of Napier Health, 76 Wellesley Road, Napier. We have information on a wide range of health topics. We have free pamphlets, booklets, posters, DVDs and education kits available.
What is elective surgery?Elective surgery at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital is surgery that is not needed immediately. It is planned surgery for patients who need it the most and will benefit the most, compared to other people with similar conditions.
What is diabetes? For our bodies to function normally, we all need a constant supply of glucose in our blood - this is what gives us energy and makes our body work (a bit like putting fuel in a car).
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