Everyday care
Your local pharmacist can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a wide range of common illnesses and complaints without you having to wait for an appointment with your GP.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Your local pharmacist can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a wide range of common illnesses and complaints without you having to wait for an appointment with your GP.
Community Mental Health North is an integrated mental health and addiction service. Assessments and interventions can be carried out in people's homes, general practices, at Napier Health or other locations if required.
Antenatal breastfeeding classesFree antenatal breastfeeding classes are offered at Hawke's Bay Hospital in Hastings on the first Monday of every month (unless that Monday is a public holiday, in which case the class will be on the following Monday).
Click here to watch Jacob's story
The bowel screening programme was rolled out in Hawke's Bay on 9 October 2018. Hawke’s Bay DHB saving lives through Bowel ScreeningHawke’s Bay DHB offers free bowel screening for men and women aged 60-74 years of age.
Hawke’s Bay people aged between 60 and 74 will this week start receiving pre-invitation letters inviting them to participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme, which officially kicked off in Hawke’s Bay today (9 October).
Minister of Health, Hon Dr David Clark officially opened Hawke’s Bay’s new gastroenterology and endoscopy services building at Hawke’s Bay Hospital today (Tuesday 2 October 2018). The $13 million dollar facility will boost the hospital’s ability to prevent and treat gastro and bowel conditions, including bowel cancer.
Orthotics is the branch of medicine that deals with the provision and use of artificial devices such as splints and braces. It is a service which assesses patients in hospital, and follows up with outpatients offsite in Hastings.
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, Hawke's Bay provides free bus transport for all patients travelling to or from an outpatient appointment at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, Napier Health and Orthotics House at Stortford Lodge.
Te Ara Manapou – Addictions We are a multidisciplinary team made up social workers, nurses, peer support, alongside a part time psychologist and psychiatrist. We understand how difficult it may be for Whaiora to ask for help if you are pregnant or a parent using drugs and alcohol.
What is occupational therapy/whakaora ngangahau?Occupational therapy’s goal is to enable you to continue to participate in everyday activities even when circumstances have made it difficult for you.