Gastro illness in Havelock North update Monday 15th August
Presentations to accident and medical centres continue to increase. Yesterday 183 people presented to a GP and Hawke’s Bay Hospital had 11 people present overnight, two were admitted.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Presentations to accident and medical centres continue to increase. Yesterday 183 people presented to a GP and Hawke’s Bay Hospital had 11 people present overnight, two were admitted.
Welcome to Thursday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update, 25 August 2016
A total of five people are in Hawke’s Bay Hospital with campylobacter, two fewer than yesterday.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) chief executive Kevin Snee told board members at its meeting on Wednesday 28 September that the cost of the Havelock North Campylobacter outbreak was estimated to be around $380,000 to the organisation.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital is busy and people with less serious health concerns are asked to think twice before going to the Emergency Department.
The orthopaedic team at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital work closely with the Emergency Department (ED), radiology and physiotherapy. Referrals from family doctors, GPs or physiotherapists are prioritised with a maximum four month wait to be seen for specialist assessment (if referral is accepted).
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, Central Hawke’s Bay’s Mayor and the Central Hawke’s Bay Health Liaison Group have reached agreement, with the district health board agreeing to defer the temporary closure of the Central Hawke’s Bay Health Centre’s ward beds over the Christmas holiday period.
12 July 2017
The surge of winter illnesses in Hawke’s Bay is impacting the whole of the Hawke’s Bay health system and there is important advice for locals on how to best manage their care.
Hawke’s Bay people and visitors are encouraged to Choose Well for health care this Christmas/New Year holiday period.
Alcohol is a significant cause of disease, disability and social harm in the Hawke’s Bay community. View the video above to hear from some of our people on what they see and experience, and the impact it has on our communities.
20 March 2018
The swim warning that has been in place in Pandora Pond has today been downgraded to ‘caution advised’. Caution Advised: Overall this site is considered a moderate infection risk.