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PP RN SCBU April 2020
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Protecting Infants from SUDI1 sign
People Plan
Fracture liaison service
The goal of the Fracture Liaison Service is to prevent a second fracture in those that have already experienced an initial or “signal” fracture. The service runs under the guidelines set by Osteoporosis NZ, with clinical supervision by specialists in Rheumatology, Endocrinology and the Geriatrician team.
Pandora Pond Swimming warning
People are being warned not to swim in Pandora Pond, Napier, until further notice due to contamination. Hawke’s Bay’s District Health Board Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nicholas Jones, said monitoring by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council had identified high levels of bacteria in water from samples taken this week.
Flu can be anywhere THUMB
HDC BeSafeBeSeen FBCover FA 18