Your health information
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board takes great care to ensure the privacy of your health information is respected.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board takes great care to ensure the privacy of your health information is respected.
There are a range of health care services available in Hawke’s Bay. Choosing the right service for your symptoms means you get the right treatment in the right place. Looking for after-hours services, including accident clinics, pharmacies and dentists? Click here.
People are being warned not to swim in Pandora Pond, Napier, until further notice due to contamination. Hawke’s Bay’s District Health Board Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nicholas Jones, said monitoring by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council had identified high levels of bacteria in water from samples taken this week.
All requests for patient conditions, staff and patient interviews, photographs or filming must be made through the National Media Team. After hours weekdays and weekends media requests can be sent to:
hnzmedia@tewhatuora. govt.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status during the school holidays following a second case of mumps confirmed in Hastings. Both cases are school-age children.
Mumps case confirmed at Waipukurau school
Adults and parents with children at Waipukurau Primary School in Central Hawke’s Bay are being asked to check their immunisation status following a confirmed case of Mumps at the school.
What is the National Travel Assistance (NTA) Scheme/Policy?If you, or a family member, need to travel long distances – or frequently – to see a specialist, then you may be eligible for help with expenses under the National Travel Assistance Scheme.
The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992The Mental Health Act is in place to make sure that people who have a mental disorder can obtain the care they need under certain circumstances.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board works with local community providers and Health Hawke’s Bay (PHO) to spread the word about Rheumatic Fever and prevention. A sore throat can lead to rheumatic fever.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is reminding people to choose well for health care when junior doctors go on strike for 48 hours from 7am tomorrow and to leave the Emergency Department (ED) for people requiring emergency or life-threatening care.