Gastro update Tuesday 23 August
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
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Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
Immunisation is one of the most effective ways of helping people stay well and free from many diseases. It is recommended by the World Health Organization, the New Zealand Ministry of Health and medical authorities. There is information here about the National Immunisation Programme.
Patients in hospital and the community are offered a comprehensive diagnostic service by the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay Laboratory Service. The laboratory operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The latest figures from public health officials on gastro -related issues are as follows:13 patients remained on hospital wards as at 4pm this afternoon. That’s down from 17 this morning, with one patient remaining in ICU.
What is occupational therapy/whakaora ngangahau?Occupational therapy’s goal is to enable you to continue to participate in everyday activities even when circumstances have made it difficult for you.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July. What you need to know:Hawke’s Bay Hospital remains very busy, and this is expected to continue through into tomorrow.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are warning of a rise in influenza-like-illness across the region and are advising people to protect themselves by having an influenza immunisation or, if already unwell, ensuring regular hand washing and social distancing to avoid spreading the flu to others.
People booked for planned surgery at Hawke’s Bay Hospital will attend their pre-admission appointments at a new location, in revamped and extended clinic rooms, on the Hawke’s Bay Hospital campus from Monday 12 November.
Presentations to accident and medical centres today have been high with 40 people so far presenting to Hastings Health Centre. Other accident and medical centres in the area are also seeing increased numbers of people with vomiting and diarrhoea.