Gastro update Wednesday 24 August
Welcome to Wednesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 24 August 2016A total of seven people remain in Hawke’s Bay Hospital with campylobacter, one fewer than yesterday.
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Welcome to Wednesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 24 August 2016A total of seven people remain in Hawke’s Bay Hospital with campylobacter, one fewer than yesterday.
The New Zealand Nurses Organisation and the country’s District Health Boards today agreed a revised offer that will be taken to NZNO nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants next week.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are seeing an increase in Whooping Cough (Pertussis) which poses serious risks for babies and children – especially those aged under 1 years.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is very sad to report that a woman in her 90s, who had campylobacter infection, died yesterday evening from an unrelated medical condition. The woman who was from Havelock North was admitted to Hawke’s Bay Hospital during the campylobacter outbreak.
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
A swimming warning on Pandora Pond in Napier has been lifted this tonight following two water sample tests coming back clear.
Good afternoon – here’s our update for Thursday 18 August. Clearly it’s been a busy day for both the DHB and the District Council. Here’s the latest information. By the numbersAs of today’s briefing, the DHB had 87 confirmed notifications, and 250 probables for a total of 337.
Health education resources are available from the ground floor of Napier Health, 76 Wellesley Road, Napier. We have information on a wide range of health topics. We have free pamphlets, booklets, posters, DVDs and education kits available.
Water from the Havelock North town water supply no longer needs to be boiled before drinking. The third clear water test in a row came back today, allowing the boil water notice to be lifted.
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