Gastro illness in Havelock North update Monday 15th August
Presentations to accident and medical centres continue to increase. Yesterday 183 people presented to a GP and Hawke’s Bay Hospital had 11 people present overnight, two were admitted.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Presentations to accident and medical centres continue to increase. Yesterday 183 people presented to a GP and Hawke’s Bay Hospital had 11 people present overnight, two were admitted.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are urging parents to check their children’s immunisation status during the school holidays following a second case of mumps confirmed in Hastings. Both cases are school-age children.
Mumps case confirmed at Waipukurau school
Adults and parents with children at Waipukurau Primary School in Central Hawke’s Bay are being asked to check their immunisation status following a confirmed case of Mumps at the school.
Antenatal breastfeeding classesFree antenatal breastfeeding classes are offered at Hawke's Bay Hospital in Hastings on the first Monday of every month (unless that Monday is a public holiday, in which case the class will be on the following Monday).
UPDATE Gastro illness in Havelock North Tuesday 5pm 16th AugustThe health system in Hawke’s Bay is coping well with the current outbreak of gastric illness.
This is a special unit for babies that are born early or are unwell at birth. The doctors and nurses will work with you to decide what is the best care for your baby and you will always be kept fully informed of your baby’s progress.
After a Suicide - Practical information for people bereaved by suicideThis booklet gives practical information that can be needed after a suicide.
Hawke’s Bay people aged between 60 and 74 will this week start receiving pre-invitation letters inviting them to participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme, which officially kicked off in Hawke’s Bay today (9 October).
Minister of Health, Hon Dr David Clark officially opened Hawke’s Bay’s new gastroenterology and endoscopy services building at Hawke’s Bay Hospital today (Tuesday 2 October 2018). The $13 million dollar facility will boost the hospital’s ability to prevent and treat gastro and bowel conditions, including bowel cancer.
If you are ready to stop smoking and you live in Hawke’s Bay you've landed in the right place, because we help people just like you become smokefree!
Te Haa Matea (easy breath) is a partnership between Hawke’s Bay District Health Board's (HBDHB) Smokefree Team, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Te Kupenga…