Gastro costs rise
Gastro costs to Hawke’s Bay District Health Board were approaching $766,000 as at December 2016.
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Gastro costs to Hawke’s Bay District Health Board were approaching $766,000 as at December 2016.
Expectant mothers in Wairoa are being encouraged to engage with a midwife in the early stages of pregnancy to ensure they and their baby receive the best possible start.
What we doAudiology is the study of hearing, hearing disorders and assisting people who have hearing loss.
Immunisation is one of the most effective ways of helping people stay well and free from many diseases. It is recommended by the World Health Organization, the New Zealand Ministry of Health and medical authorities. There is information here about the National Immunisation Programme.
The latest figures from public health officials on gastro -related issues are as follows:13 patients remained on hospital wards as at 4pm this afternoon. That’s down from 17 this morning, with one patient remaining in ICU.
If someone has thoughts or feelings about suicide, it's important to seek help. If you are worried that someone might be thinking about suicide, don't be afraid to ask them directly. These resources and links may help you, or someone you care about, find the support they need.
If someone has thoughts or feelings about suicide, it's important to seek help. If you are worried that someone might be thinking about suicide, don't be afraid to ask them directly. These resources and links may help you, or someone you care about, find the support they need.
Hawke's Bay DHB provides a range of maternity services for women and their families across three birth centres - Waioha, Ata Rangi and Wairoa plus from our Napier located Maternity Resource Centre working in partnership with our LMC midwifery, doctors and obstetrician colleagues to provide maternity care for you.
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'Acute options for mental health care insights report' August 2024 : A paper issued by Te Hiringa Mahara—the New Zealand Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (Te Hiringa Mahara).
11 April 2018
Napier’s disabled community got a boost last week following the reinstatement and upgrade of a pool hoist at Napier Health’s hydrotherapy pool. The hoist was decommissioned in 2012 following a Department of Labour review that determined it was not fit for purpose.