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Health inEquity update 2016
Wairoa health Centre drive in3
Infectious diseases
The infectious diseases team works with patients in hospital with complicated infections. They also run:
Outpatient Parenteral Antibiotic Treatment or OPAT for the continued administration of intravenous antibiotics on discharge from hospital. Outpatient clinics for the management of HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and other infections. -
InFocus AugustSeptember 2017 FINAL
Cardiology service
Cardiovascular or heart disease is a growing concern in Hawke’s Bay. The cardiology service at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital provides assessment, investigation, education and treatment for patients with cardiac or heart disease.
Napier Health
Welcome to Napier Health – Health New Zealand |Te Whatu Ora health facility offering a wide range of health services for the city, including 24 hour urgent medical care. Visiting informationClick here to view visiting hours and information for all Hawke's Bay sites including Napier Health.
Orthopaedics - bone health
The orthopaedic team at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital work closely with the Emergency Department (ED), radiology and physiotherapy. Referrals from family doctors, GPs or physiotherapists are prioritised with a maximum four month wait to be seen for specialist assessment (if referral is accepted).