Pharmacy services
This page is about the Hospital's pharmacy service. For information on community pharmacy services, please click here.
Haere maiHow can we help?
This page is about the Hospital's pharmacy service. For information on community pharmacy services, please click here.
COVID-19 Resurgence PlanPlease find the latest version of our Resurgence plan here. HBDHB’s COVID preparedness documents are living documents and will be updated as circumstances change. Some of the links in this document are internal only. If you would like to request a particular section, please email comms@hbdhb. govt.
If you are ready to stop smoking and you live in Hawke’s Bay you've landed in the right place, because we help people just like you become smokefree!
Te Haa Matea (easy breath) is a partnership between Hawke’s Bay District Health Board's (HBDHB) Smokefree Team, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Te Kupenga…
Hawke’s Bay DHB has an interpreting service which is available to hospital patients and people in the community. This service is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hawke’s Bay women who have suffered from breast cancer and undergone breast reconstruction will no longer need to travel outside of the region to have cosmetic Aerola tattooing.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is pleased to announce the promotion of Wairoa Health’s Clinical Nurse Manager, Sonya Smith, into the role of Wairoa Health Manager - a one year secondment placement to 23 July 2019.
People are being warned not to swim in Pandora Pond, Napier, until further notice due to contamination. Hawke’s Bay’s District Health Board Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nicholas Jones, said monitoring by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council had identified high levels of bacteria in water from samples taken this week.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital services will be impacted with many outpatient clinics and non-emergency surgeries postponed or put on stand-by due to next week’s planned two day (48 hour) national strike by junior doctors.
Good afternoon – here’s our update for Thursday 18 August. Clearly it’s been a busy day for both the DHB and the District Council. Here’s the latest information. By the numbersAs of today’s briefing, the DHB had 87 confirmed notifications, and 250 probables for a total of 337.
Gastro costs to Hawke’s Bay District Health Board were approaching $766,000 as at December 2016.