Radiology or X-Ray department
Looking inside your body made easyWhen you come to Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital it is possible that we will not immediately know what’s going on inside your body.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Looking inside your body made easyWhen you come to Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital it is possible that we will not immediately know what’s going on inside your body.
With a Bachelor of Health Science under her belt Paramedic Lindsey Hope is the perfect recruit to the after-hours urgent medical care team for people who live in Napier, Hastings and Havelock North.
All requests for patient conditions, staff and patient interviews, photographs or filming must be made through the National Media Team. After hours weekdays and weekends media requests can be sent to:
hnzmedia@tewhatuora. govt.
Hawke’s Bay Hospital services will be impacted with many outpatient clinics and non-emergency surgeries postponed or put on stand-by due to next week’s planned two day (48 hour) national strike by junior doctors.
Water from the Havelock North town water supply no longer needs to be boiled before drinking. The third clear water test in a row came back today, allowing the boil water notice to be lifted.
12 July 2017
The surge of winter illnesses in Hawke’s Bay is impacting the whole of the Hawke’s Bay health system and there is important advice for locals on how to best manage their care.
COVID-19 Resurgence PlanPlease find the latest version of our Resurgence plan here. HBDHB’s COVID preparedness documents are living documents and will be updated as circumstances change. Some of the links in this document are internal only. If you would like to request a particular section, please email comms@hbdhb. govt.
20 March 2018
The swim warning that has been in place in Pandora Pond has today been downgraded to ‘caution advised’. Caution Advised: Overall this site is considered a moderate infection risk.
We encourage you to review information already publicly available on this website and on the Ministry of Health’s website www. health. govt. nz before submitting any information request.