Alcohol - The Risks
Risky drinking is a significant problem in Hawke’s Bay. One in every four adults drinks too much – this means they are likely to be harming their own health or causing harm to others through their drinking.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Risky drinking is a significant problem in Hawke’s Bay. One in every four adults drinks too much – this means they are likely to be harming their own health or causing harm to others through their drinking.
Continence services support people who are incontinent. The service works with people to enable them to better manage incontinence, maintain their independence and quality of life, and to reduce health complications which can arise from incontinence.
Investing in your employee’s wellbeing is good for your business and good for the employee. Workplace wellbeing is about doing everyday business in a way that leads to improved staff wellbeing. This could mean supporting staff to become smokefree, be active or see their doctor regularly.
Welcome to Tuesday’s Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Update 23 August 2016.
Presentations to accident and medical centres continue to increase. Yesterday 183 people presented to a GP and Hawke’s Bay Hospital had 11 people present overnight, two were admitted.
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is an international programme launched in 1991 by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to ensure all maternity services become centres of breastfeeding support worldwide.
Plea for more live kidney donorsClick here to read the full article
There are no charges for services to public patients if you are lawfully in New Zealand and meet one of the eligibility criteria set by the Ministry of Health.
What we doAudiology is the study of hearing, hearing disorders and assisting people who have hearing loss.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board takes great care to ensure the privacy of your health information is respected.