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Haere maiHow can we help?
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Every person who uses health and disability services has rights. The organisations and people who provide health and disability services have duties. These rights and duties are clearly set out in the Code of Health and Disability Services - Consumer Rights.
The orthopaedic team at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers' Memorial Hospital work closely with the Emergency Department (ED), radiology and physiotherapy. Referrals from family doctors, GPs or physiotherapists are prioritised with a maximum four month wait to be seen for specialist assessment (if referral is accepted).
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) will introduce paid parking for staff and visitors to its Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldier’s Memorial and Corporate Office site in Hastings from 1 March between the hours of 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
The Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation Unit (AT&R) is a 36-38 bed ward at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital.
The Medical Day Unit was set up to improve the management of short stay patients who require further treatment and care but do not requrie an inpatient bed.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is reminding people to choose well for health care when junior doctors go on strike for 48 hours from 7am tomorrow and to leave the Emergency Department (ED) for people requiring emergency or life-threatening care.
Hawke’s Bay people aged between 60 and 74 will this week start receiving pre-invitation letters inviting them to participate in the National Bowel Screening Programme, which officially kicked off in Hawke’s Bay today (9 October).
Upskill and increase your knowledge when you are looking to rent a house. Learn more about the following areas:
Tenant’s rights and responsibilities
Managing money and debts
Maintaining a warm, dry and healthy home
Housing products through WINZ
Landlord and tenant interviews and presentation.
Maternity Team Vision“Protectors of normal birth for women by women with a Whānau Ora approach that develops self-determination, empowering and supporting women and their whānau in a flexible creative women centred service.