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Our Quality Picture 2016 sml2
Our Quality Picture Did you know
02 Applicaton Form for Commitment to Quality Improvement and Patient Safety
Want to be smokefree?
If you are ready to stop smoking and you live in Hawke’s Bay you've landed in the right place, because we help people just like you become smokefree!
Te Haa Matea (easy breath) is a partnership between Hawke’s Bay District Health Board's (HBDHB) Smokefree Team, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Te Kupenga… -
Accommodation at Hawke's Bay Hospital
Accommodation is available on the hospital site for family/whānau and patients who live out of town, at Mihiroa Whare within our Māori Health Service. You can speak with a nurse in the ward, the duty manager, or contact the Māori Health Service to make arrangements or for further information.
COVID-19 Resurgence PlanPlease find the latest version of our Resurgence plan here. HBDHB’s COVID preparedness documents are living documents and will be updated as circumstances change. Some of the links in this document are internal only. If you would like to request a particular section, please email comms@hbdhb. govt.