Hawke’s Bay District Health Board - New Zealand Nurses Organisation Strike Action Update 1
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now taking strike action for 24 hours from 7am today until 7am Friday 13 July.
Cases of syphilis, a sexually transmissible infection (STI) that can cause serious health problems if left untreated and poses a serious risk to unborn babies, are expected to rise in Hawke’s Bay with national figures more than doubling since 2015.
Print version of media release
Information on the DHBs’ offer is available on the NZNO website . Media contacts:
Hawke's Bay DHB is not bargaining directly with New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO). Please direct any questions to Harriet Palmer
M: 027 4277 437 comms@senateshj. co. nz
The Maternity Resource Centre at 234 Kennedy Rd is a one-stop shop for pregnancy and early parenting needs. It provides pregnancy tests, support to find a midwife, midwifery assessments and clinics, breastfeeding support and pregnancy and parenting information. Please don’t hesistate to come with your questions or queries.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board welcomed the Government Inquiry findings released today as an important step toward restoring the community’s confidence in the Havelock North drinking water supply.
Health officials are encouraging people to Choose Well when needing health care this long weekend and ensure medications are up-to-date in advance of the holiday period.
DonationsThere are many reasons to donate to Hawke’s Bay health: to tangibly show your appreciation, demonstrate your thanks for life’s gifts or to mark a special occasion such as someone's birthday, anniversary, reunion or wedding.
On Monday (11 February) Hawke’s Bay District Health Board became aware of an issue with a batch of sterilising equipment that was used in Hawke’s Bay Hospital operating theatres, sent to outpatient clinics and used by district nurses between 2 February and 11 February.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board works with local community providers and Health Hawke’s Bay (PHO) to spread the word about Rheumatic Fever and prevention. A sore throat can lead to rheumatic fever.
Members of New Zealand Nurses Organisation are now back on duty following strike action which began at 7am, 12 July and concluded at 7am today, 13 July.