City Medical - Urgent Care Centre
Casual patients onlyNapier Health
76 Wellesley Road
Hours open 24/7
Phone 06 835 4999
Haere maiHow can we help?
Casual patients onlyNapier Health
76 Wellesley Road
Hours open 24/7
Phone 06 835 4999
Casual patients onlyNapier Health
76 Wellesley Road
Hours open 24/7
Phone 06 835 4999
The HBDHB sexual health service provides free sexual health services for people across the lifespan. Services are provided by specialist clinicians with advanced knowledge and education specific to sexual health.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is prepared for the third junior doctor strike, which will also coincide with a 12 hour midwifery strike, next week at Hawke’s Bay and Wairoa Hospitals.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board is continuing to warn the public not to swim, collect shellfish for consumption, or undertake any other water based recreational activities in the area of the Ahuriri Estuary.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board welcomed Stage Two Report of the Havelock North Drinking Water Inquiry released today.
The HBDHB’s Go Well Team is here to make your trip to visit us easier!
Since 2015, the HBDHB Go Well Travel Plan has been in place to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel options to HBDHB locations.
Central Hawke’s Bay Health Centre provides a myriad of services to its local community. The health centre offers six inpatient beds and outpatient physiotherapy and occupational therapy clinics, as well as a district nursing service.
Hawke’s Bay health officials are warning of a rise in influenza-like-illness across the region and are advising people to protect themselves by having an influenza immunisation or, if already unwell, ensuring regular hand washing and social distancing to avoid spreading the flu to others.
Maternity Team Vision“Protectors of normal birth for women by women with a Whānau Ora approach that develops self-determination, empowering and supporting women and their whānau in a flexible creative women centred service.