Mental Health Act
The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992The Mental Health Act is in place to make sure that people who have a mental disorder can obtain the care they need under certain circumstances.
Haere maiHow can we help?
The Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992The Mental Health Act is in place to make sure that people who have a mental disorder can obtain the care they need under certain circumstances.
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board works with local community providers and Health Hawke’s Bay (PHO) to spread the word about Rheumatic Fever and prevention. A sore throat can lead to rheumatic fever.
The HBDHB’s Go Well Team is here to make your trip to visit us easier!
Since 2015, the HBDHB Go Well Travel Plan has been in place to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel options to HBDHB locations.
Antenatal breastfeeding classesFree antenatal breastfeeding classes are offered at Hawke's Bay Hospital in Hastings on the first Monday of every month (unless that Monday is a public holiday, in which case the class will be on the following Monday).
We encourage you to review information already publicly available on this website and on the Ministry of Health’s website www. health. govt. nz before submitting any information request.
The physiotherapy team includes both hospital and community based therapists. Physiotherapists assess, diagnose, treat, report and advise on how patients can maximise physical function and independence. What is physiotherapy?Physiotherapists help people get back movement and function, particularly when affected by injuries, aging, disabilities and disease.
12 July 2017
The surge of winter illnesses in Hawke’s Bay is impacting the whole of the Hawke’s Bay health system and there is important advice for locals on how to best manage their care.
Click here to watch Jacob's story
The bowel screening programme was rolled out in Hawke's Bay on 9 October 2018. Hawke’s Bay DHB saving lives through Bowel ScreeningHawke’s Bay DHB offers free bowel screening for men and women aged 60-74 years of age.
Good afternoon – here’s our update for Thursday 18 August. Clearly it’s been a busy day for both the DHB and the District Council. Here’s the latest information. By the numbersAs of today’s briefing, the DHB had 87 confirmed notifications, and 250 probables for a total of 337.
The goal of the Fracture Liaison Service is to prevent a second fracture in those that have already experienced an initial or “signal” fracture. The service runs under the guidelines set by Osteoporosis NZ, with clinical supervision by specialists in Rheumatology, Endocrinology and the Geriatrician team.