Springhill Treatment Centre
Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides twelve beds for the rehabilitation of New Zealanders who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders.
Haere maiHow can we help?
Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides twelve beds for the rehabilitation of New Zealanders who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders.
Welcome to our centre of excellence for supporting your journey to parenthood:
safe ~ welcoming ~ woman centred ~ empowering ~ family friendly ~ appropriate ~ expert care
He āhuru mōwai.
There are a range of health care services available in Hawke’s Bay. Choosing the right service for your symptoms means you get the right treatment in the right place. Looking for after-hours services, including accident clinics, pharmacies and dentists? Click here.
There was more encouraging news from Hawke’s Bay District Health Board this morning as numbers of people seen by general practice and in hospital with gastro illness continues to decline.
Becoming a new parent is a wonderful experience but can be stressful and overwhelming at times. Babies need gentle care and handling - time to adjust to being in their new world.
Hawke’s Bay people are encouraged to have their say on a regional health proposal that sets out a range of options about how and where they might receive health care services in the future.
People are being warned not to swim in Pandora Pond, Napier, until further notice due to contamination. Hawke’s Bay’s District Health Board Medical Officer of Health, Dr Nicholas Jones, said monitoring by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council had identified high levels of bacteria in water from samples taken this week.
Antenatal breastfeeding classesFree antenatal breastfeeding classes are offered at Hawke's Bay Hospital in Hastings on the first Monday of every month (unless that Monday is a public holiday, in which case the class will be on the following Monday).
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB) staff are widely promoting White Ribbon Day messaging this week in lead-up to tomorrow’s nationally recognised White Ribbon Day (25 November) which is aimed to end men’s violence towards women.
Water test results from Lake Tūtira have confirmed a cyanobacteria bloom on the lake. Medical Officer of Health Dr Nicholas Jones said as the bloom was visible on the lake and test results had confirmed cyanobacteria, the bloom was likely to be toxic to people and animals.