Mental Health and Addiction Services

The Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Programme is a mental health and addiction sector owned and led initiative that facilitates continuous service quality improvement across all Health NZ districts and NGO's through collective data analysis and benchmarking, learning and problem solving. : MH&A KPI Programme – KPIs for the NZ Mental Health & Addiction Sector

'Acute options for mental health care insights report' August 2024 : A paper issued by Te Hiringa Mahara—the New Zealand Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (Te Hiringa Mahara). August 2024

Every year at least one in five people will experience a mental disorder affecting the way they think, feel, behave or relate to others.

For those affected help is available throughout Hawke’s Bay with a range of both inpatient and community services. Support is also available to families / whānau.

Mental illness can affect anyone. Symptoms vary from person-to-person and can significantly affect relationships, work and quality of life.

If you, or someone close to you, may be suffering from a mental illness, get the help you need – talk to someone, a family member, your family doctor, one of the many mental health and addiction helplines.

Watch these helpful ways to wellbeing videos :-

Wellbeing episode 1

Wellbeing episode 1 Te reo

Wellbeing episode 2

Wellbeing episode 2 Te reo

Wellbeing episode 3

Wellbeing episode 3 Te reo

Wellbeing episode 4

Wellbeing episode 4 Te reo

The area we serve :

Community Mental Health and Addiction Services:

  • Community Mental Health South is an adult (18 to 64) mental health and addiction team, providing assessment and treatment services. They are based in Hastings and Waipukurau.
  • Community Mental Health North is an adult (18 to 64) mental health and addiction team, providing assessment and treatment services. They are based in Napier.
  • Wairoa Community Mental Health is an adult (18 to 64) mental health and addiction team, providing assessment and treatment services. They are based in Wairoa.
  • Springhill Treatment Centre is a residential addictions and mental health service.
  • Wai-o-Rua is a 5 bed residential short stay programme for people, referred by Health New Zealand, for respite (supported time out to rest and re-focu)s.

Mental health services especially for women and children:

Specialist hospital mental health services:-

Policies and procedures :-

  1. Mental Health and Addiction Group Policy - 8953
  2. Admin Documentation Policy for MH&AS - 8100
  3. Community Mental Health Care Pathway Guideline - 8954
  4. Clinical Risk in Mental Health & Addictions Assessment and Management Policy - 8968
  5. Duly Authorised Officer - Wairoa After-Hours On-Call Procedure  MHAPPM/8972

  6. Harakeke Intensive Day Programme Referral Procedure - 8963
  7. Health Record Policy for Mental Health & Addiction Group - 8046
  8. Home Based Treatment Guideline - 800
  9. Interim Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Police Handover of Voluntary Patients at ED (National)
  10. Interim SOP - Requests for Police Attendance at Mental Health Inpatient Services
  11. Key Worker Policy - 8048
         Mental State Examination - Helpful Advice
  12. Management of Unplanned Substance Detoxification/CPG/037
  13. Maternal Mental Health Service Guideline - 8027
  14. Mental Health Medical Officers On Call Policy - 8006
  15. Mental Health & Addiction Service Welfare Assessments (Checks) Procedure MHAPPM/8970

  16. Mental Health Police Liaison Service: Documentation Procedure MHAPPM/8973

  17. Multi-Disciplinary Team Case Review Guideline - Community Mental Health and Addictions - 8967
  18. Older Person’s Mental Health Service Referral Pathway - 8966
  19. Planned Withdrawal Management Procedure - 8952
  20. Sensory Modulation Intervention Guideline - 8103
         Sensory Modulation Handbook
  21. Suicide or Self Injury Risk Assessment and Management Procedure - 8969
  22. Te Ara Manapou Pregnancy and Parenting Support Procedure - 8965
  23. Te Harakeke: Child, Adolescent and Family Service Tāngata Whaiora Care Pathway Procedure - 8951
  24. Policies and Procedures specific to Ngā Rau Rākau (our 23 bed psychiatric inpatient hospital)
  25. Alarm/Call Response Guideline - 8506
  26. Courtyard Policy - 8957
  27. Engagement and Observation Policy - 8104
  28. Fire Procedures - 8961
  29. Gender Safety Policy - 8962
  30. Gym Use Guideline - 8956
  31. Metal Detector - Use of Hand Held Device Procedure /OPM/130

  32. Inpatient Leave Policy - 8013
  33. Medication Guideline - 8960
  34. Nursing Handover Procedure - 8958
  35. Tāngata Whaiora Property and Valuables Management Guideline - 8503
  36. Tāngata Whaiora Review Policy - 8955
  37. Possession and Use of illicit Substances Guideline - 8510
  38. Seclusion Procedures - 8501
  39. Unauthorised Leave/AWOL Procedure - 8513
  40. Visitor Procedure - 8959

Health New Zealand funds a number of free and easily accessible wellbeing supports.

These include face-to-face primary mental health and addiction support via participating GP clinics, Kaupapa Māori, Pacific and youth specific services. These services are free and available without a referral.

Where you can seek help

  • Log on to to find a service close to you or you can call or text Need to Talk 1737 any time to talk with a trained counsellor.
  • At most general practices you can phone and book in to see a Health Improvement Practitioner, a registered mental health professional who provides advice and support promoting self-management, and connects people to other services they may need. Every day, Health Improvement Practitioner's have appointments that are not pre-booked so you can phone a general practice where you are enrolled and book in on that day.
  • The Depression Helpline – Call 0800 111 757 or text 4202 to talk to a trained counsellor about how you are feeling or to ask any questions.
  • Youthline – Call 0800 376 633, text 234, email, or go to for an online chat.
  • The Lowdown – Text 5626 for support to help young people recognise and understand depression or anxiety.
  • Healthline – Call 0800 611 116 for health advice and information.
  • Alcohol Drug Helpline – Call 0800 787 797 to speak with a trained counsellor.
  • Tips and support, go to

Free wellbeing apps

  • You can download the Groov and Headstrong wellbeing apps free for android and Apple phones. Just go to Google Play or the Apple app store.

Rural Support Trusts

A local Rural Support Trust is a great place to access free and confidential support and advice. This nationwide network, run by local people, helps farming families and rural communities.

The Rural Support Trust have facilitators trained to recognise issues with mental health and wellbeing. They can also put you in touch with services including health information or financial support.

You can give them a call to talk through your options. Call 0800 787 254 (0800 RURAL HELP) to arrange a free and confidential chat at a place that suits you, or visit


Farmstrong is a nationwide wellbeing programme for the rural community. Their aim is to help you live well to farm well. On their website you can find a range of resources to help you manage your wellbeing. Visit:

The Mental Health Education and Resource Centre 

The Mental Health Education and Resource Centre (MHERC) are leading providers of education and information on mental health, wellbeing and addiction for

  • individuals seeking support for themselves or others
  • those working in the mental health, addiction and social service sectors 
  • businesses wanting to improve and maintain wellbeing and resilience in their workplace